Lunes - Viernes: de 10:00-13:00 y de 16:30 - 20:30

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    Autoescuela Alzira

    Address: Calle Pare Castells, 75
    46600 Alzira, Valencia
    (frente instituto José María               Parra)

    Phone: 613017432

    WhatsApp: 613017432


    Autoescuela Algemesí

    Address: Calle Polinya, 5
    46680 Algemesí, Valencia
    (frente ambulatorio plaza de la Ribera)

    Phone: 961075112

    WhatsApp: 601708780


    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1How much does it cost to get a driver's license?
    We all ask ourselves this question when we go to buy something or hire a service. In Autoescuela Raúl we know that money does not fall from the sky so we seek to answer this question with the maximum sincerity and transparency. It depends, it depends mainly on our aptitudes and abilities to reach the level that traffic demands in its exams and on the prices and policies of the driving school to which you enroll. Not all driving schools offer the same services or have the same prices. We recommend you to be well informed before enrolling. In our driving school you will know from the first minute what you are paying and how much everything is going to cost you. You can check it on our web page, call us at our contact number, or visit any of our physical locations where we will be happy to help you and answer all your questions.
    2How much practice do I need to pass the exam?
    Not all students need the same amount of practice or have the same luck on the day of the exam, or are equally nervous, an estimated average would be to think about 25-30 practices.
    3Which driving school do I enroll in, is there a difference?
    Not all driving schools are the same and not all offer the same, you have to know that some do not give books, others do not give theory classes, others tell you that they have theory classes and then you find a computer as a teacher, so we recommend that you get well informed before enrolling and if you can ask former students to compare opinions, teaching methods and the % of APTOS vary quite a lot.
    4At what age can I take the car test?
    You can take the theoretical exam three months before your 18th birthday, to take the practical exam you need to be 18 years old.
    5What does the theoretical exam consist of?
    The theoretical exam consists of 30 multiple-choice questions with three possible answers and only one correct answer, and in order to pass we have to make three or less mistakes.
    6What is the practical exam like?
    The practical test is carried out within certain areas and consists of a part of autonomous driving in which the student must drive the vehicle without being guided, and a second part of directed driving in which the examiner gives instructions for the student to drive where he/she indicates. In order to pass, the student must not have more than 10 minor faults, 2 deficient faults or 1 eliminating fault.
    7How is it possible that at Autoescuela Raúl you guarantee a pass in the theory test?
    We are very convinced of what we do and we have a method that works, so if you come to at least 80% of the classes and reach the green bar of our test program, if you don't pass we will give you your money back if you wish.
    8Can I take practical classes during my theoretical training?
    Of course, if you wish and want to do the more accelerated course, you can combine practical and theoretical training without any problems. This way when you pass the theoretical you can be ready to take the practical or quite advanced.
    9Do I have to do a minimum number of internships?
    No, at Autoescuela Raúl we do not set any minimum number of mandatory practices, it is always the student who decides when to take the exam and how many practices he/she will do. Our teachers will advise you and tell you when you are ready and when it is better for you to take the exam so that you do not invest more time and money than you really need.
    10Can I change my teacher and practice vehicle?
    It is very easy, either you inform the driving school or select another teacher and another schedule, no problem.